Saturday, October 22, 2011

New Season... New Episodes...

Sometimes bloggers have to put down their coffee, pull on some real-life pants, throw on some dark aviators, and brave the bright, shiny, real world for a few months. That pretty well explains where we've been here at Flannel Pilgrims - but we now return to our regularly scheduled program!

If you're just tuning in, allow me to bring you up to date:

We are a couple of Christian dudes who work on the University Campus with a para-church organization. This blog will cover a wide range of topics including but not limited to: Poking fun at Christian culture, church/para-church relationships, the gospel, ministry methodology, theology, the latest viral youtube video, facial hair, zombies, our faith heroes, conferences we attend, books we read, making fun of your denomination, making fun of our denomination (bet you can't guess it!), occasional devotional thoughts.

We love Jesus - we think He's in charge. We'll try to blog accordingly - we ask you to comment accordingly.
Thumbs up - Let's do this!

-The Flannel Pilgrims