It's really difficult to come up with the perfect first blog post. It sets the tone for the rest of the blog, right? I don't want it to be too silly, but it can't be entirely serious. I want it to be worth reading, but not too much to wade through. So far i've decided against posting a spoof of an article i just read titled "Why People Homeschool" and a juxtaposition of the favorite Christian worship songs "Dance in the River" and "A Mighty Fortress is our God." What's that you say? You wanted to see the homeschooling post? Well, maybe it will make an appearance if Luke , my blogging counterpart, allows it. Don't tell him, but i recently looked under the tarps in his garage that were hiding several boxes labeled "homeschooling supplies." We'll see how it goes.
My wife and i had an interesting exchange yesterday that inspires the rest of this entry. To make a long story short, i had a long week and was just looking forward to something that looked like a day off. On top of it, my pastor's sermon included the phrase "you should be depressed!" I was. And then my wife "volunteered" me to fix someone's car during the Packer game. Yes, the Packer game! To use "Christian-ese," my heart was not in the right place. For those of you who don't know what i am talking about, you know your heart is not in the right place when your wife starts using bible verses against you. Actually, i started it. I told her that i just really wanted to enjoy life right now, and fixing a car was not on my list of life-enjoying experiences at the moment. I implied this idea from Psalm 34 and 1 Peter 3:10. But my wife trumped me by using John 12:25, where Jesus says "whoever loves his life will lose it."
"Dueling verses" episodes usually end in a standstill for us, but this time i decided to go with Jesus and my wife, who seem to always end up on the same team. And i still got to watch the game. But there is still this lingering question, what exactly did Jesus mean? I usually tend to enjoy life. I mean, that's kind of why we're doing this blog, after all, for enjoyment and edification. It would seem that God would want us to love life according to 1 Peter 3:10, but what's the basis for Jesus' comment? I have a few thoughts, but i really want to hear yours first...